Upcoming Sheriff's Sales


IMPORTANT NOTE: Properties auctioned in a Sheriff's Sale DO NOT include a title search. Potential buyers are responsible to check for past due taxes, liens, water/sewer connections (municipalities), or other liens/fees in any auction. The Sheriff's Office cannot provide legal advice. The Sheriff makes no claims as to condition of the subject property.

Sheriff’s Sales are ‘judicial foreclosures’ (or executions) on real property to satisfy a money judgment. The order to sell comes from the Superior Court Clerk. We are selling only the judgment debtor’s interest in the real estate and the property is subject to all existing liens and encumbrances. We have limited information about the sale property since we do not need to know any information other than the address and legal description to conduct our sales. It is not possible for potential purchasers to view the interior of the structure prior to the sale.

The property sold may have a Redemption period from eight months to one year. Redemption means that the owner may pay back the amount bid at the sale plus interest, taxes, etc. in order to ‘redeem’ the property and become the owner again. If you have legal questions about this procedure, you should contact your attorney for direction, or read the Revised Code of the state of Washington pertaining to Redemption.

If you are the winning bidder at auction, you must provide the Sheriff with a cashier’s check made payable to the "Lewis County Superior Court Clerk" by 12:00 p.m. or the property will be offered to the next highest bidder

APRIL 2025

MAY 2025

November 2024

SOLD FOR $231,856.00 - November 22, 2024. 159 Bear Ridge Rd, Mossyrock. 22-2-01307-21 OPENING BID IS $231,855.00