Press Release: Lewis County Sheriff’s Office to Close Packwood Substation

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       Date/Time:         09-11-18 @ 1232 Hours

          Contact:             Chief Dusty Breen    

Phone:                (360) 740-1327

Release #:                   1

Lewis County Sheriff’s Office to Close Packwood Substation

The Lewis County Sheriff’s Office will be closing their Packwood Substation at the end of 2018 due to budgetary constraints and staffing issues.  The substation had currently only been open two days a week, offering a limited extension of public services related to permits and licensing performed at our main office in Chehalis.  The closure of the Packwood Substation will not have an adverse effect on law enforcement field services and/or response, as the substation has been solely staffed by support personnel when open.  The limited services that were provided at the substation will be available at our main office location at the Law and Justice Center in Chehalis.     

“It is imperative in public safety to constantly assess our operations in terms of efficiency, staffing, safety, and cost.  We have been working with the county commissioners for the past two years on alternative options; however, we were never able to garner the support needed to move any of those options forward,” said  Sheriff Robert Snaza.  “With the ever-growing demands on current support staff and being at 1980’s staffing levels across the agency, we feel the most efficient course of action is to utilize our assigned support staff within our main office, while cutting over $20,000 in operational costs of the limited-service Packwood Substation.”   



Beingacommittedcommunitypartner, providingprofessional servicetoenhancethesafety,security,andqualityoflifeinLewisCounty.

Posted: September 11, 2018