Deputy McKnight Returns to Patrol

Deputy Matt McKnight has been cleared to return to work and will resume normal patrol duties next week.

On June 20, 2011, Deputy McKnight, while on duty and assisting the Napavine Police Department with a dispute, was confronted by a volatile suspect. This confrontation resulted in Deputy McKnight shooting the suspect, Steven Petersen, who died at the scene.

As a result of this incident, the Regional Sheriff’s Critical Investigative Team was deployed to investigate the incident. Their findings were later turned over to the Lewis County Prosecuting Attorney who made a determination that the use of deadly force by Deputy McKnight was justified and the prosecutor’s Office would not pursue criminal charges in this matter.

After receiving the results of the investigation and the prosecutor’s determination, the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office conducted an internal investigation that included a shooting review board and a policy, procedure and training review. The information obtained in the internal investigation confirmed that Deputy McKnight acted within the confines of the law and did not deviate from Sheriff’s Office policy, procedure and training.

“This incident, while tragic for so many reasons, drives home the reality of the dangers of this profession and the importance of how we conduct ourselves and what we do each and every day to achieve our mission and protect those we serve. It is unfortunate but it is a reality that law enforcement must at times resort to the use of deadly force to protect themselves and others during volatile situations. This incident, was unfortunately one of those situations,” said Sheriff Steve Mansfield.


Posted: July 08, 2011