Give invasive species the brush off! Enjoying the outdoors without spreading invasive plants and animals.

So much left to do and so little time! As the days start to really warm up and July draws to a close, Lewis County families are reminded that summer will be coming to an end, school will be back in session, and it’s back to the regular Monday to Friday grind.

Whether it’s camping in Gifford Pinchot National Forest, fishing on Riffe Lake, or one last trip to the beach, recreational use of the wild areas in our beautiful county and surrounding areas will be at an all-time high and timing couldn’t be better for some of the most undesirable of residents, invasive species.

By taking a few simple steps, it’s easy to stop these unsavory characters from taking up residence in new areas and expanding their territories. We hope that as you get out there and enjoy all the beauty our state has to offer you’ll remember these key points:

  • REMOVE plants, animals & mud from boots, gear, pets & vehicle (including boats and bikes!)
  • CLEAN your gear before entering & leaving the recreation site.
  • STAY on designated roads & trails.
  • USE CERTIFIED or local firewood & hay

Lewis County Weed Control is happy to be spreading the message of PlayCleanGo, a national campaign with the goal of protecting valuable natural resources while encouraging folks to enjoy the great outdoors. PlayCleanGo promotes awareness, understanding, and cooperation by providing a clear call to action to be informed, attentive and accountable for stopping the spread of all invasive species.

For more information, please check out PlayCleanGo at


Posted: July 29, 2019