Reed Canary Grass

Phalaris arundinacea


Reed Canarygrass - A highly variable perennial plant, with rhizomes. Grows 3-6 feet in height.

Leaves: Leaf blades are flat and smooth. The leaf has a wide connecting point to the stem.

Flowers: Flowers bloom from June-July. Densely clustered flowers in panicles. 3 florets per spikelet and only one fertile spikelet. Flowers start out green-purple and change to tan/brown overtime.

Habitat: Usually grows where ground is at least somewhat saturated during growing season. Habitats include: roadside ditches, river dikes, shallow marshes, wetlands, and meadows.

Weed Classification: C

Why is it a Noxious Weed?

A major threat to wetlands due to its aggressive nature. It forms monocultures and outcompetes native vegetation lowering plant diversity.

This plant can be hard to control once it is well established. If you need help with identification or control please let us know!

Control Recommendations:

WA State Noxious Weed Control Board

PNW Pest Management Handbook

UC Davis Weed Report