Announcing the Lewis County Noxious Weed Control Board’s Stewardship Incentive Program

Many of the noxious weeds that we fight daily are showing their “true colors” right now as tansy ragwort, purple loosestrife, and so many other noxious weeds are blooming in full force. Its this time of year that our office is inundated with calls from conscientious residents wanting to know how they can control their weeds and protect their property.

In an effort to lend support and a little financial aid to landowners wanting to control these noxious weeds, Lewis County Noxious Weed Control Board (LCNWCB) is rolling out the Stewardship Incentive Program.

Tansy Field.JPG

The Stewardship Incentive Program is a voluntary “mini” grant program for Lewis County landowners with the goal of providing financial assistance to landowners in their efforts to control priority noxious weeds as identified by Lewis County. Thru a simple application process, LCNWCB will provide site specific noxious weed identification, consultation on appropriate control measures, and reimbursement of up to 75% for the cost of approved herbicide to Lewis County landowners.

The process is relatively simple. Landowners will qualifying noxious weeds on their land will fill out and submit a short application. Site inspections will be conducted before and after herbicidal treatment. Upon approval of a successful treatment, a landowner can receive a “mini” grant to cover part of the cost of herbicide (not to exceed $100).

For anyone interested in participating in the Stewardship Incentive Program, please review the eligibility and program requirements by downloading and/or printing the following supporting documents and application. Timing and funds for the 2019 program are limited so please apply soon.


Stewardship Incentive Program Introduction

Stewardship Incentive Program Application

2019 Lewis County Noxious Weed List

Posted: August 23, 2019