Driving Directions / Twin Transit Routes
Coming From I-5 North Bound

Take the 13th Street exit, Exit 76.
At the end of the ramp, make a right turn onto Parkland Drive.
Continue straight through the first stop light.
The Public Parking lot will be the first parking lot on your left, across the street from the Relax Inn.
The street address will be displayed "1255" on the wood paneling.
Coming From I-5 South Bound

Take the 13th Street exit, Exit 76.
At the end of the ramp, make a left turn onto Parkland Drive.
Continue straight through the first stop light.
The Public Parking lot will be the first parking lot on your left, across the street from the Relax Inn.
The street address will be displayed "1255" on the wood paneling.
Twin Transit
To view Twin Transit routes within Lewis County, please visit https://twintransit.org/routes/ and select the area that best suits your needs.
Once you have located the route you need, please visit https://twintransit.org/twin-transit-timetables/ to see the timetable provided for each individual route.