Recovery Court
Program Coordinator
Dulce Cabrera (360) 740-2628
What is Juvenile Recovery Court?
The Lewis County Juvenile Recovery Court is a court-managed, drug intervention treatment program, designed to provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional criminal case processing. It may be offered if you are arrested and it is determined that your offense was drug related. If you are eligible and choose to participate in this program, you must be willing to commit to the entire program. The program may be successfully completed in 12-18 months. At any time during your participation, you could be terminated from the program for noncompliance with rules and treatment plan. A Judge would then impose your original sentence.
Recovery Court is a three phase program lasting between 12-18 months.
The program includes but not limited to:
- Regular court appearances before the Juvenile Recovery Court Judge.
- Frequent, random urinalysis/breath testing
- Home, school and Workplace visits
- Outpatient/Inpatient treatment
- Group meetings