Bull Thistle
Cirsium vulgare
Bull Thistle - Biennial, herbaceous plant growing about 3-7 feet tall, with one stem.
Leaves: Alternate, coarsely lobed leaves. Each lobe has a spiked tip. Top of leaves is rough with small spines, while the bottom has wooly hairs.
Flowers: Flowers bloom from July-September. 1.5-2 inches across and are generally purple/pink (rarely white).
Habitat: Primarily found in disturbed areas like pastures, roadsides, ditch banks, hayfields, prairies, and logged mountain areas.
Weed Classification: C
Why is it a Noxious Weed?
Bull Thistle tends to outcompete native vegetation and desired grazing forage.
Bull thistle is commonly found in Lewis County. If you need control recommendations, please see below or let us know!
Control Recommendations: