There’s still time!!!

Hey Lewis County, don’t put those garden tools away just yet! There’s still some work to be done if you want to get a head start on weed control for 2020.

Undoubtedly, you’ve noticed the beautiful sunny days that remind of us the summer that slipped away too quickly this year. Well, our weeds are appreciating these beautiful days too, and we’ve been noticing a lot of new growth low on the ground as we’ve been conducting weed surveys. If you have the stuff on hand, an application of herbicide is likely to be effective if the plant is still green, but it’s also an EXCELLENT time to do some hand pulling!


All the rain that has kept us cooped up indoors for the past week? Well that added moisture as softened the ground considerably and what was once almost impossible to pull (think scotch broom, thistle, English ivy, or Himalayan blackberry) should give way much easier now that the ground isn’t solid.

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For those bigger, woodier stems, we’ve got the perfect tool. Weed wrenches are free to rent from our office and they noxious weed control seem almost fun!

Contact our office to reserve a weed wrench, or let us know if you’re interested in a weed survey of your property.

Posted: October 24, 2019