What is BECCA Bill?
RCW 13.32A.010
The legislature finds that within any group of people there exists a need for guidelines for acceptable behavior and that, presumptively, the experience and maturity of parents make them better qualified to establish guidelines beneficial to and protective of their children. The legislature further finds that it is the right and responsibility of adults to establish laws for the benefit and protection of the society; and that, in the same manner, the right and responsibility for establishing reasonable guidelines for the family unit belongs to the adults within that unit. Further, absent abuse or neglect, parents have the right to exercise control over their children. The legislature reaffirms its position stated in RCW 13.34.020 that the family unit is the fundamental resource of American life which should be nurtured and that it should remain intact in the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary.
Why was the BECCA Bill passed?
Parents began to lobby for this Bill when 13-year-old Rebecca’s behavior became too hard to handle themselves. Rebecca's parents needed help to protect their daughter from making life-changing choices in her early years of life. Rebecca's parents were seeking out resources left and right to try to help her within Spokane, WA. Unfortunately, the Juvenile Court could not help them unless Rebecca had committed a crime. After failed attempts to help their daughter, Rebecca was found murdered in a park in Spokane.
Rebecca's parents felt that there was a need for resources for parents and began lobbying the state to pass this Bill in order for other parents to receive help with their children.
Exceptions to the Law

- Students attending private school.
- Students who are home-schooled.
- Students who are at least 16 regularly employed and are legally emancipated.
- Students who are at least 16 and have a GED.