Traffic Engineering & Control

The Traffic Division is responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient flow of traffic on the county road network.

Call (360) 740-1305 to Report Missing, Damaged, or Vandalized Signs or call 911 after hours.

The Traffic Engineering Section investigates the existing conditions, models conditions and alternate scenarios, and recommends solutions - often by use of appropriate traffic control devices. The Traffic Control Section is responsible for the creation, installation, and maintenance of the traffic control devices.

To protect the traveling public, the Traffic Control Section maintains a 24 hour callout response to ensure all stop sign and other traffic control devices are installed and in proper working order.

The Transportation Planning Section manages the annual updates to the Six-Year and Twenty-Year Transportation Plans. In addition, responsibilities include coordination of the Transportation Element of the County Comprehensive Plan and maintenance of the Mobility database containing County roadway attributes and feature inventories.

Areas of responsibility:

  • Traffic signs
  • Pavement markings, striping, and crosswalks
  • Traffic studies
  • Development impacts
  • EMME traffic model
  • Speed limits
  • Signals and lighting
  • Coordination of utility work within county road right-of-way
  • Transportation planning