Forest Patrol Assessments

If you are a property owner in unincorporated Lewis County you may be assessed a forest patrol fee for each parcel you own. If your parcel is under 50 acres you are billed a flat fee for each parcel you own. This money is collected by the county treasurer and remitted to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. If you have more than one rural parcel under 50 acres in the same legal ownership and have paid more than one flat rate fee, you are entitled to a refund. Your annual assessment must be paid in full to qualify for a refund. Refund forms must be submitted prior to December 31 each year.

  • Total Forest Patrol Billed in 2024: $756,356.70
  • Total Parcels Subject to Forest Patrol Assessment: 23,374

Department of Natural Resources- FFPA

Please click here for information regarding the FFPA rate increase.

Please click here for the FFPA Refund Form. These forms are also available at the Lewis County Treasurer’s Office or the regional offices of DNR. The county Treasurer must sign the refund form certifying the assessments were paid. Please return the form to our office prior to December 31 and we will submit it to DNR for you. You may mail your completed form to:

  • Lewis County Treasurer
    PO Box 509
    Chehalis, WA 98532 - 0509

Multi-Parcel Exemption Application To Combine FP Assessments Less than 50 acres

In 2001, the legislature passed SHB2104 that made some changes in the forest patrol assessment process. One of the changes relates to single owners that own six or more rural parcels under fifty acres that are subject to the fire patrol assessment fee. The new law allows those owners to apply for the “Multi-Parcel Exemption” which means that the owner only pays the one fee due and does not have to apply for a refund each year. Some important points to remember are:

  • The program only applies to multi-parcel owners in the same county and to parcels under fifty acres.
  • The owner must complete the exemption form and submit it to the Department of Natural Resources.
  • The application is a one-time application HOWEVER, if you buy or sell a parcel of land, your application must be updated with DNR.
  • You will continue to receive the billing for your assessment on the property tax statement, however, you will only be billed the net amount due and will not have to apply for a refund.

Download the form to apply for your “MULTI-PARCEL EXEMPTION”. You may then fill it out on-line, print, sign and mail. DNR Application for Multi-Parcel Exemption

Application forms are also available at the Lewis County Treasurer or Assessor’s Office or the regional offices of DNR. The County Assessor must sign the application form verifying parcel ownership. Return the form to our office and we will submit it to the DNR for you. Mail your completed form to:

  • Lewis County Treasurer
    PO Box 509
    Chehalis, WA 98532-0509