BOCC Legal Notices

Notice of Hearing: Open Space Designation and Assessed Value Reduction for property and property owners

Posted: April 3, 2015

Please see attached

Notice of Hearing: informing the public of Community Development Block Grant Planning Only Grant opportunities

Posted: April 3, 2015

Please see attached

Request For Qualifications: investigate alternatives to improve access from the I-5 corridor to industrial properties in northern Lewis County

Posted: April 3, 2015

Please see attached

NOTICE OF HEARING: ORDINANCE 1257 Requirements to Mark County Vehicles

Posted: March 23, 2015

Please see attached

NOTICE OF HEARING: 2015 Budget Amendment

Posted: March 23, 2015

Please see attached

NOTICE OF HEARING: Non-exclusive License to AT&T Corp

Posted: March 12, 2015

Please see attached

Accepting a bid on tax title property located off Boyd Road, Randle

Posted: March 12, 2015

Please see attached


Posted: Feb. 27, 2015

Please see attached.

Publishing of Lewis County's On-Call Consultant Roster and appointing the Public Works Director as approving authority for category changes

Posted: Jan. 27, 2015

Please see attached

Publishing the Small Works Roster for Lewis County and appointing the Public Works Director as approving authority for Category Changes

Posted: Jan. 27, 2015

Please see attached