BOCC Legal Notices

Notice of Hearing: Franchise to Paradise Estates Community Club

Posted: March 9, 2017

Please see attached.

Press Release: Napavine City Council Interviews Canceled

Posted: Feb. 28, 2017

Please see attached

Request for Proposals for engineering services for the planning and design of Borst Avenue

Posted: Feb. 15, 2017

Please see attached.

Notice to the public of finding of no significant impact on the environment and notice of intent to request release of funds

Posted: Feb. 15, 2017

Please see attached.

Publishing of Lewis County's On-Call Consultant Roster and appoint the Public Works Director as approving authority for category changes

Posted: Feb. 15, 2017

Please see attached.

Publishing the Small Works Roster for Lewis County and appointing the Public Works Director as approving authority for category changes

Posted: Feb. 15, 2017

Please see attached.

Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Ordinance 1274, Amendments to Lewis County Code Chapter 17.30 - Resource Lands to allow rural Governmental Services as a primary use within the Resource Land Zones

Posted: Feb. 15, 2017

Please see attached.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance 1274, Zoning Code.

Posted: Feb. 9, 2017

Please see attached

Call for Bids: Lewis County Legal Printing

Posted: Feb. 7, 2017

Please see attached.

Notice of Hearing: Unmaintained A. Wood Road No. 795

Posted: Feb. 7, 2017

Please see attached.