BOCC Legal Notices

Request for Qualifications to complete a communications infrastructure planning document focused on fire and law enforcement services and updating ADCOMM Communication studies completed in 2004 and 2005

Posted: Dec. 14, 2018

Please see attached.

Notice of Hearing: 2018 Budget Amendment

Posted: Dec. 14, 2018

Please see attached.

Notice of Hearing: necessary acquisition of additional right of way for North Fork Road

Posted: Nov. 28, 2018

Please see attached.

Notice of Hearing: 2019 Budget

Posted: Nov. 21, 2018

Please see attached.

Notice: Lewis County Preliminary Budget for 2019, and Notice of Public Meeting

Posted: Oct. 31, 2018

Please see attached.

Notice of Hearing: Franchise to McDaniel Telephone Co.

Posted: Oct. 15, 2018

Please see attached.

Call for Bids for six new Sheriff patrol vehicles

Posted: Oct. 12, 2018

Please see attached.

Notice of Hearing regarding an Ordinance Levying a property assessment tax in 2018, for collection in 2019

Posted: Oct. 2, 2018

Please see attached notice.

Notice of Hearing: Franchise to Glenn & Kathleen Hedrick to construct operate and maintain water system facilities in Lewis County right of ways

Posted: Sept. 11, 2018

Please see attached.

Notice of Hearing: 2018 Budget Amendment

Posted: Sept. 11, 2018

Please see attached.