Homeless and Housing Program
If you are homeless and in need of services, please contact Coordinated Entry at (360) 736-4339 The Salvation Army Centralia.
5-Year Housing and Homelessness Strategic Plan
Lewis County Public Health & Social Services (PHSS) has adopted the new 5-Year Housing and Homelessness Strategic Plan. This 5-year plan serves as a guide for projects that use state and local funds to serve individuals experiencing homelessness and support affordable housing opportunities in our community.
In collaboration with the Department of Commerce, the plan includes required components that guide us in reaching deliverables around reducing homelessness in Lewis County. The components are:
1) Quickly identify and engage people experiencing homelessness
2) Prioritize housing for people with the greatest needs
3) Operate an effective and efficient homeless crisis response system that swiftly moves people into stable permanent housing
4) Project the impact of the fully implemented local plans on the number of households housed and the number of households left unsheltered, assuming existing resources and state policies
5) Address racial disparities among people experiencing homelessness.
Contracted Housing Providers in Lewis County:
Shelter and Rental Assistance
Salvation Army https://centralia.salvationarmy.org/
303 North Gold, Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 736-4339
- Shelter
- Emergency Rental Assistance
- Rapid Re-Housing
- Coordinated Entry
- Community Outreach Services
- Food Bank
- Hygiene Center
Hope Alliance (formerly Human Response Network) https://hopealliancelc.org/
815 W. Main St., Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 748-6601 (800) 244-7414
- Services for Domestic Violence Survivors
- Emergency Shelter Services for Women and Children
- Medical Advocacy
- Rape Crisis Services
- Protection Orders
- Support Groups
- Community Education and Outreach
- Crime Victim’s Compensation
Housing Resource Center https://www.hrclewiscounty.com/
621 South Diamond, Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 736-5140
- Emergency Shelter Services
- Homeless Prevention
- Housing and Essential Needs
- Rapid Rehousing
- Case Management
- Community Education and Outreach
Housing Opportunities of Southwest Washington http://www.longviewha.org/
(360) 423-0140 Toll Free (866) 570-8840
“Serving the low income citizens of Longview and the unincorporated areas of Cowlitz, Lewis, Wahkiakum and Pacific Counties in Washington State.”
Homeless Prevention Services
Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties https://www.caclmt.org/
409 North Tower Avenue, Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 736-1800
- Weatherization
Permanent Supportive Housing
Reliable Enterprises http://reliableenterprises.org/housing-services/
Eligibility for permanent supportive housing is done in conjunction with Coordinated Entry Services through Housing Resource Center http://lewiscsp.org/
Food & Shelter Services
Public Health & Social Services contact:
Justia Madrigal, Housing Coordinator
360 NW North St.
Chehalis, WA 98532
Phone: (360) 880-6919