Segregation Mapping
The Lewis County Segregation/Mapping processes recorded deeds and other conveyance instruments for real property to verify recorded legal descriptions, create, segregate and combine tax parcels. The County Geographic Information System (GIS) database is updated and kept at a current status.
The Department updates ownership on all real estate transfers. The method of acquiring title is determined, ownership and legal descriptions are verified, and land area computed when necessary. The department must have current knowledge of property tax rules, be familiar with the appraisal process and all assessment records, in addition to exemption related activities affecting real - personal property
The Segregation/Mapping department updates the GIS parcel layer to reflect the current status of property lines using all recorded documents: surveys, boundary line adjustments, taxing district boundary lines, i.e.: city, fire, cemetery, school, flood, sewer or other taxing districts and their boundaries as applicable. Updates are timely and the department tries to ensure data is as accurate as possible.
The segregation of land must be in compliance with the State of Washington RCW. It is important to note that property cannot be segregated until all the involved tax parcels are paid in full ( per RCW 84.56.340), excepting when property is being acquired for public use. No segregation of property for tax purposes shall be made unless all current year and delinquent taxes on the entire tract have been paid in full.
The parcels created by the Lewis County Segregation Department are for assessing/taxing purpose only and do not create legal, buildable lots which are only determined by Lewis County Planning Advisors or City Communtiy Development Planners.