Introducing eFile

New to Lewis County business and farm owners! File your Lewis County Personal Property Tax Listing Online.

What is efile?

Electronic filing or eFile is a way to file your business or farm personal property listings over the internet. It is only available to businesses or farms with established personal property accounts in Lewis County.

Why sign up for eFile?

By using eFile, you can save paperwork and time. The eFile website has options to streamline data entry. It will reduce the cost of printing and mailing your annual property listing and it will validate the data you enter to prevent mistakes.

How does it work?

Using the account number from your current personal property tax valuation notice, you can register and then edit/update your property tax information. After you have reviewed your listing, simply submit your listing electronically.

How do I sign up?

Go to the web site address provided below and click on the 'Enroll' link at the top of the page. Once you enroll, you will receive your user name and password within 24 business hours. You can then file personal property tax listings electronically for the current assessment year.

Is there a deadline to sign up for eFile?

To actively file for the current tax year you must enroll prior to April 25th. The filing deadline for your personal property listing is still April 30th.

To avoid a late filing penalty, the assessor must receive your listing form by April 30th. The penalty is five percent of the tax due per month, up to a maximum of 25 percent. If the assessor does not receive your form, the assessor will estimate the value of the property based on the best information available.

Where is the Exemption of Farm Machinery and Equipment?

It is located here.

What is the eFile web address?

Follow the address to file your personal property listing form online.