Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review

The Lewis County Planning Commission will be considering updates to the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) as part of the eight-year cycle required by the Washington State Shoreline Management Act (SMA) RCW 90.58.080(4).


Lewis County is undertaking a periodic review of its SMP. The SMA requires each SMP be reviewed and revised, if needed, on an eight-year schedule established by the Legislature. The review ensures the SMP stays current with changes in laws and rules, remains consistent with other Lewis County plans and regulations, and is responsive to changed circumstances, new information and improved data. Lewis County is scheduled to have their SMP reviewed and revised by June of 2021.

There will be public outreach and engagement throughout the process, including opportunities to comment on the proposed amendments, as detailed in the Public Participation Plan. The SMP will be heard through workshops and a Public Hearing with the Lewis County Planning Commission.


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You can give your comments by taking our survey here!

If you have other written comments, questions about the Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review, or would like to be added to our official noticing list, you can contact:

Pat Anderson Email: Phone: 360-740-2677

To receive notification of the Planning Commission announcements, sign up here.