Limits on Food and Retail Service Uses in LAMIRDs

Effective on June 9, 2022 Lewis County will implement new state rules that limit the size of food and retail service uses in Type I Limited Areas of More Intense Rural Development (LAMIRDs). During the 2022 Washington State Legislative Session, Senate Bill 5275 revised RCW 36.70A.070(5)(d)(i)(C) related to LAMIRDs. The revised law includes the following limits on retail and food service:

  1. Retail or food service uses can occupy an existing building, or redeveloped building, as long as the structure was previously used for retail or food service and the use will occupy the same building footprint as the original footprint or less than 5,000 square feet, whichever is greater.
  2. A new building for retail or food services must not exceed 2,500 square feet.
  3. The use of an existing building larger than 2,500 sq ft cannot be changed from a non-retail/food service use to a retail/food service use.

For more information, please see the Lewis County Community Development Policy Paper. Questions should be directed to Mindy Brooks, or 360-740-2610.

Posted: June 06, 2022