Water Laboratory

Permit Fees Increasing effective January 1, 2025

On November 12, the Lewis County Board of County Commissioners approved increases to certification and permit application fees to help balance budgets for the departments of Community Development, Public Works and Public Health & Social Services.

The fee increases will go into effect on January 1, 2025. The adopted fee schedule is available now by request and will be available online after January 1st.

The Lewis County Water Lab is accredited to analyze coliform bacteria and nitrate samples. These are the most commonly tested parameters for public water supplies and are also required for individuals on private wells obtaining building occupancy permits.

Each test costs $65 and must be submitted in a specially treated sample bottle.

Sample bottles may be picked up on the 3rd floor of the Health Department at 360 NW North Street (map it), Monday-Friday 8:00-11:30am and 12:30-4:30pm.

Coliform bacteria samples may be submitted at the Health Department Monday-Wednesday, 8:00-11:30am and 12:30-4:30pm.

Nitrate samples may be submitted on Mondays or Tuesdays only.

Samples should be submitted the same day they are collected and must be kept cool. We also have several sites throughout the county where samples may be dropped off the first Monday of every month before 9:30 am:

  • Morton City Hall
  • Randle Post Office
  • Packwood Post Office

Please contact the water lab at (360) 740-1237 or the Lewis County Public Health front office at (360) 740-1222 for alternative operating hours during weeks with government holidays or any other questions.