How is the Code Compliance workload prioritized?

Currently, we act on complaint related issues unless we feel there are serious health risks or negligent activity. We are working diligently to respond to each and every complaint. Serious cases and ongoing issues often require a great deal of our time and resources and may carry priority.

Why do I have to remove my junk or hulk vehicle if it is on my property?

Having a hulk vehicle visible from public right of way or other real property is a violation of Lewis county Code 8.05.070.

How much do hulk vehicle inspections cost?

Hulk vehicle affidavits and inspection are performed free of charge. Vehicles must meet the Lewis County and state definitions of “junk” or “hulk” vehicles. It is unnecessary to be in possession of the vehicle title to request a hulk vehicle inspection on your property.

What is the definition of a "junk" or "hulk" vehicle?

To qualify as a hulk (junk) vehicle, the vehicle must meet three (3) of the following conditions: (1) Must be at least 3 years old, (2) Must be extensively damaged, (3) Must appear to be inoperable, (4) Must have a "Fair Market value" equal to the approximate value of the scrap in it

Is it okay to live in a recreational vehicle (RV) for an extended period of time?

The price of housing and land has many citizens living in recreational vehicles for an extended amount of time. If an RV is occupied for more than 60 days, it requires an approved septic, approved water supply, and an approved trailer placement permit. Reference for these Codes include Lewis County Code 15.25.060(3), 15.25.080(2), and 8.40.020(a).

Do we enforce codes in municipalities?

LCPH&SS has jurisdiction over some issues like septic and solid waste throughout the county. Cities and towns follow their own ordinances which include nuisance issues, building codes, and land use codes. Areas in the Urban Growth Areas (UGA’s) are typically shared by both the municipality and the county under a inter-local agreement, but must follow the municipal code.

If I received a Notice of Violation (NOV), do I need to call?

It is not mandatory that you call, but good communication may be beneficial for both parties. If nothing is heard, our staff will likely re-investigate the concern after 30 days and close the case if the issue is resolved, or consider taking more enforcement action if not fully resolved.

I’ve received a civil infraction, what do I do?

Follow the directions on the civil infraction and pick one of the three options. It is important to mail back the infraction or call District Court with your response within 15 days of receipt.