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031423 Steve Wohld 02.JPG

Lewis County Commissioners name Steve Wohld as interim County Manager

Posted: March 29, 2023

The Lewis County Commissioners on Tuesday appointed Chief of Internal Services Steve Wohld as interim County Manager. Wohld, 42, will succeed Erik Martin, whose last day is April 3.

“Thank you for the support and I’ll do my best to keep things moving forward,” Wohld told the commissioners.

Lewis County extends search for night-by-night shelter provider

Posted: March 29, 2023

The Lewis County Board of County Commissioners has granted a two-week extension for submissions to a Request for Proposals (RFP) related to a future shelter program. The RFP, which seeks a provider to collaboratively design a permanent night-by-night shelter program with county staff, technical consultants, and citizen advisory committee members, now allows proposals to be submitted until 4 p.m. April 11, 2023.