Lewis County Budget Process and Reports

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Lewis County Budget
State law establishes the general requirements of Lewis County’s budget process. By law, many revenues must be spent in specific ways. This limits how the County can spend or cut costs to balance the budget.
The Budget Department facilitates the development of the budget. All department heads and elected officials develop and submit their budget requests by early September. After their requests are reviewed, the County Manager submits a Preliminary Budget to the Board of Lewis County Commissioners (BOCC) in early October. From there, the BOCC meets with each department director and elected official to discuss their preliminary budget and increase requests.
Two public hearings and one evening presentation are held before the adoption of the Final Budget. Department and elected official preliminary budget requests are published on the County website and available in the Budget Department. The Auditor's Office maintains legal responsibility and authority for overseeing and controlling the expenditure of money once it has been budgeted by the BOCC.
A public hearing is held on the first Monday in December, and there is also an opportunity to comment on the budget during an evening presentation in mid-November.
The Board of County Commissioners meets at 10:00 A.M. every Tuesday morning except for holidays in the Historic Courthouse at 351 NW North St. in Chehalis. Information is also available in the Budget Department in the Historic Courthouse in Chehalis.
For specific dates regarding the current year budget cycle, contact the budget office by phone at (360) 740-1198 or email becky.butler@lewiscountywa.gov.