Video Appearance Links

Superior Court's Video appearance platform is WebEx, all links are provided below.

There are certain hearings that require personal appearances

Please check information below or contact Court Administration if you have questions or need Judge approval for any confidential or juvenile matters at 360-740-1333 ext 2 or 3

Criteria for Video appearance for Commissioner Dockets / Courtroom #4:

Monday DV/VAPO Dockets

In person -- Personal appearance required unless special arrangements are made with the court. (In custody individuals will appear via Webex from jail) Webex Link not published and must be obtained from Court Administration after approval from Court.

Settlement Conferences

2:00 Minor Guardianship and Vulnerable Youth Guardianship

Settlement Conferences: Held in person at Lewis County Superior Court, but parties may request video appearance if there is a hardship for long-distance travel

Appearing in person is encouraged for Minor Guardianship participants and Vulnerable Youth Guardianships unless otherwise directed by the court or when a party is in custody.

Wednesday Disso Docket at 9:00 am

Will be in person. Participants may include Declaration of Jurisdictional Testimony with their final documents and deliver them to court administration before the hearing in lieu of personal appearance for entry of final dissolution.

Wednesday Family Law Docket at 9:30 and 10:00 am

Truancy/ARY Dockets

Personal appearance is required for family law contempt motions unless video appearance approved by court, other family law motion participants are encouraged to appear in person but may utilize video appearance.

Truancy/ARY Dockets: Webex Link not published and must be obtained from Court Administration or Juvenile staff after approval from Court.

Thursday Dependency Dockets

Video appearance is encouraged.

Friday Family Law Dockets

Video appearance is permitted with the exception of family law contempt cases, which require in- person appearance unless video appearance has been expressly authorized by the court.

Criteria for Video Appearance for Judges Dockets

Tuesday Juvenile Dockets

Court to be held in person at Juvenile Justice Center. Video appearance only available with Judicial/court approval. Webex Link not published and must be obtained from Court Administration after approval from Court.

Criminal special set hearings

3.5 and 3.6 Suppression hearings/ Plea and Sentencing will be in person - other hearings will be heard via WebEx. In custody defendants will be transported to the courtroom for Suppression hearings and plea and sentencings. (guilty plea only will be in person/transported from jail on in custody individuals if a statement of defendant upon plea of guilty form is required, absent agreement for video appearance)

Thursday Criminal Docket

Cases such as Arraignment and Trial setting/Reset of Trial/Trial Confirmations and Mental Health Reviews will all be in person. Omnibus Hearings and setting of hearings, are all encouraged to appear via video conference. Review Cases will be determined on a case by case - contact Court Administration to seek approval for Review Hearings.
Counsel would need to be present if their clients are present. In custody defendants will appear via video unless in person arrangements are made. Warrant cases are in person appearances.

Friday Civil Docket

Participants are encouraged to appear via Video Conference as much as possible. Guardianship docket can be held via personal appearance however video appearance is preferred.


For Fridays with Court Administration will be conducted via Video Conference. WebEx link below

Courtroom Protocol for Participants in Court Hearings Conducted by Video Conference

All participants are to be dressed appropriately for court.

Distractions must be avoided.

All participants must act as if they are in an actual courtroom.

Participants should avoid getting up and moving away from the camera during a hearing.

People who are not involved in the hearing and pets must not come into the camera view.

Participants must control background noise (which can easily be done by muting their microphone unless they are speaking).

Participants must be aware of their visual backgrounds. There should be no offensive or distracting backgrounds visible and there must not be any messages conveyed to the court or other participants. WebEx has a feature for adding a virtual background if the actual background is not appropriate for the proceeding.

Behavior during a hearing should be that expected in a courtroom.

The judge will direct the hearing and ask for certain participants to speak in turn.

Participants must behave respectfully, avoiding facial or hand gestures that could be interpreted as agreeing or disagreeing with a speaker or conveying a message.

In short, participants should remember that while they are not in a courtroom, they are in a “virtual” courtroom and must act appropriately.

Please make sure you are signing into the correct link below based on who the Judicial Officer is for your hearing. Each Judge has their own link.

If you are waiting in a room for more than 5 minutes please check with the court.

Ct #4 / Commissioner Cecil (This link not used for protection order hearings)

Not for use for protection order or truancy dockets - must call Administration at 360-740-1333 ext 2 for confidential link after approval by Court for any DV, Anti Harassment protection order hearings or Truancy/ARY hearings.

Meeting link: Here
Meeting number: 146 415 2684
Password: 3TtM335biF3

More ways to join
Join by video system Dial
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone +1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 146 415 2684

Dept 2 /Judge Strophy

Meeting link: Here
Meeting number: 146 503 0542
Password: AYuBcJNB322

More ways to join
Join by video system Dial
You can also dial and enter your meeting number
Join by phone +1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 146 503 0542

Dept 1 / Judge Toynbee

Meeting link :Here
Meeting number: 146 576 5578
Password: 2M5tvVscUn4

More ways to join
Join by video system Dial
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone +1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 146 576 5578

Dept 3 / Judge Yeager

Meeting link: Here
Meeting number: 146 666 4817
Password: BjJarpwW856

More ways to join
Join by video system Dial
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 146 666 4817

Court Administrator for Trial Assignment Docket: (Fridays at 8:30 am)

Meeting link: Here
Meeting number: 146 714 2214
Password: hYRzJhUP935

More ways to join
Join by video system Dial
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 146 714 2214

Zoom Meeting Links (Only Use If Directed)

These links are backup links only to be used if Webex is not working.

Dept 1 / Judge Toynbee Zoom Meeting Information

Judge Toynbee / Dept 1 Recurring Docket
Link: Here
Meeting ID: 884 0326 8326
Meeting Passcode: 350581

Dept 2 Judge Strophy Zoom Meeting Information

Judge Strophy/ Dept 2 Recurring Docket
Link: Here
Meeting ID: 893 4367 2926
Meeting Passcode: 656003

Dept 3 / Judge Yeager Zoom Meeting Information

Judge Yeager / Dept 3 Recurring Docket
Link: Here
Meeting ID: 873 0975 0699
Meeting Passcode: 381229

Ct 4 Commissioner Cecil Zoom Meeting Information

Commissioner Cecil / Ct #4 Recurring Docket
Link: Here
Meeting ID: 852 2696 5800
Meeting Passcode: 196463

Court Administrator for Trial Assignment Docket Zoom Meeting Information

Ct Administrator / Trial Setting and Arbitration Docket
Link: Here
Meeting ID: 863 9248 5598
Meeting Passcode: 341634