Transcript Requests - updated list 03-28-24

Lewis County Superior Court utilizes audio/video recordings and Official Court Reporters. If a court reporter is present in the courtroom, there is no audio/video recording and a request for transcript must be made to court reporter. A court transcript is a written verbatim record of what is said in a court hearing that is transcribed by either the Official Court Reporter or a court approved transcriptionist.

If you would like a CD copy of a video recorded proceeding, you will need to contact the County Clerk to request a CD. Clerk's CD Request form

Official Court Reporters prepare official transcripts for Court Reported hearings. Transcript requests are made directly to the court reporters.

Gloria Bell, Official Court Reporter

Rena Webb, Official Court Reporter

Transcripts of Audio/Video Recorded hearings can be prepared by court approved transcriptionists, please contact them directly to make arrangements for transcripts. You will need to provide detailed information including case name, cause number and date of hearing to the transcriptionist and make payment arrangements with them directly. Court Transcriptionists must receive the CD directly from the court and cannot be transmitted via the requesting party. Please make arrangements with the transcriptionist for delivery of cd.

Click here for Court Approved Transcriptionist List

Application for Transcriptionist for Lewis County Superior Court