UPDATED - Superior Court Dockets through May 4, 2020

No DV Dockets until Tuesday, May 5 – orders will be entered on each case that has a hearing through May 4 continuing existing restraints

No Settlement conferences on Family law cases through May 4, 2020 - Counsel should do orders if needed striking trials and then renote for assignment of new dates.

No Family Law motions - Admin will be striking all family law motions through May 4 – if there is an emergent case, you will need to get permission from a Judge to have a hearing and appear telephonically.

Civil Dockets are being stricken – counsel should renote any cases .

Guardianship cases – No hearings, please renote hearings, you can also submit orders for signature for those that can be handled ex parte.

Dependency dockets are cancelled - Admin will strike hearings, AAG will prepare new orders with new dates.

Child Support dockets, no dockets through May 4, 2020, Prosecutors staff are preparing orders with new dates

No Trials of any kind will be heard during this time. Please prepare orders striking and place back on trial assignment docket for re-assignment of trial dates.

Juvenile dockets are reduced to only necessary hearings and will be heard telephonically as needed.

In custody criminal matters will be heard via video only.

Posted: March 20, 2020