Community Health
Our team promotes healthy living, prevents disease and injury, and helps people get the services they need to stay healthy. We also provide education, services, and referrals to individuals, families, and at- risk populations within Lewis County, and collaborate with individuals, medical providers, policymakers and organizations to develop and maintain strategies for addressing public health issues.
Current Community Health Engagement Opportunities
Hearing from residents, providers, and leaders in our community allows for informed-program and -policy development that better meet the needs of our community. Throughout the year, our team works to collect information and engage with residents on important topics related to bettering our community's health and well-being. If you see an opportunity here or have other areas important to you, please engage by taking the opportunity to provide information through surveys, listening sessions, etc., or contact us at
Community Newsletter
View our 2025 LCPHSS Spring Community Newsletter!

Previous LCPHSS Community Newsletters: