Onalaska High School Mock DUI Crash

On 04-21-11 representatives from this office participated in the Onlaska HS mock crash. The scenario is a two car crash head on with multiple injured and four deceased. Students watch as the entire process from the 911 call to the arrival of fire/police/EMS takes place. The victims, students made up to look injured, are removed and transported by ambulance and even by helicopter.

The coroner crew arrived and along with the mortuary staffed simulated what their roles are. The parent of one of the students who was "playing" a deceased victim was there and that was pretty emotional even though this was a staged event.

After the event the students hear from several speakers who talk about the effects of drinking and driving. One such speaker was the mom of an Oanalska HS student who died in a drunk driving crash 19 years ago. Her daughter's picture still hangs in the hall of the HS and she spoke with as much emotion as the day it happened. Fire department folks, the prosecutor, and the Chief Deputy Coroner all spoke to the students.

We only hope we can reach some of them and make them realize they are responsible for the decisions they make in their lives.